Further resources for the study of sciences in South Asia
South Asia is a large place and science is a big thing. This means that the study of sciences in South Asia will necessarily be a collaborative effort. Below are links to ongoing collaborative projects related to the history of science in South Asia that eager people can participate in. Please reach out to me if you host a working group or other collaborative resource that I should add to the list.
Aksharamukha Script converter (Link)
A useful tool for converting between scripts of the Indian Ocean world.
Tools for calendar conversion
Panchanga (Link)
A tool for calculating and calibrating South Asian calendars, created by M. Yano and M. Fushimi and funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of the Japanese Government.
Hindu Calendar Conversion (Link)
A tool for navigating the various calendar systems of South and Southeast Asia developed by L. Gislén & J. C. Eade and funded by the École française d’Extrême-Orient.
Calendar Converter by Harys Dalvi (Link)
A tool for calibrating a range of calendars, developed by Harys Dalvi.
Buddhist-Common Era Converter (Link)
A tool for converting a few more calendars, developed by Bhante Ānandajoti.
Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas (Link)
Estimates of the annual monsoon for the past 700 years from the Data Library of the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia.
Paleoclimatology Data Map (Link)
Data from peer-reviewed historical climatology publications mapped and maintained by the US National Centers for Environmental Information.
Ambuda (Link)
Digital Sanskrit literature with word-by-word analysis and integrated dictionaries.
Apabhraṃśa at UChicago (Link)
A website I have put together compiling resources for the study of the middle Indic language Apabhraṃśa. Includes a library of texts, course handouts, and a skeleton grammar I wrote together with Thibaut d'Hubert.
Archives on India (Link)
A database maintained by the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad that compiles over 500 physical and digital archives and repositories relevant to the history and cultural heritage of the Indian subcontinent.
Bibliography for Karl Potter's Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies (Archived link via Wayback Machine)
An important resource for approaching the vast primary and secondary literature related to philosophy written in Sanskrit compiled by Karl Potter Z"L. Unfortunately, the University of Washington no longer hosts this resource.
Digital Version of New Catalogus Catalogorum, the catalogue of Sanskrit manuscript catalogues (Link)
A searchable version of the 42-volume catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts initially organized by V. Raghavan.
Digital Dictionaries of South Asia, hosted by the University of Chicago (Link)
Fully searchable dictionaries of South Asian Languages covering languages everything from Assamese to Urdu and much in between.
Directory of Downloadable Sanskrit Manuscript Catalogues, hosted by Dominik Wujastyk (Link)
An important collection of digitized manuscript catalogues.
GRETIL - Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (Link)
A resource platform providing standardized machine-readable texts in Indian languages that have been contributed by various individuals and institutions.
History of Science in Asia: Decolonizing the History of Science, hosted by The Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine (Link)
Decolonizing the History of Science in Asia is a monthly virtual reading group that discusses recent scholarship which "engages questions regarding the deconstruction of imperial visions and definitions of the sciences in Asia, and explores how new work can contribute to the diversification of perspectives in the history of science."
History of Science in Early South Asia Working Group, hosted by The Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine (Link)
The History of Science in Early South Asia is a monthly virtual reading group that engages in "group readings of premodern scientific texts in early Indian languages, especially Sanskrit." The group largely focuses on medical and alchemical literatures.
Materia Medica of South Asia
What follows are some resources for the identification of plants and their properties based on lexicons and pharmacopeias from South Asia.
al-Bīrūnī, Kitāb al-Ṣaydanah, edited and translated by Said with commentary by Hamarneh. (vol. 1, vol. 2)
Ainslie, Materia Medica of Hindoostan and Artisan’s and Agriculturalist’s Nomenclature. (Link)
Breton, A vocabulary of the names of the various parts of the human body and of medical and technical terms in English, Arabic, Persian, Hindee and Sanscrit. (Link)
Chatterjee & Pakrashi, The Treatise on Indian Medicinal Plants. (vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5, vol. 6)
Chopra, Indigenous Drugs of India: Their Medical and Economic Aspects. (Link)
Chopra, Badhwar & Ghosh, Poisonous Plants Of India. (Link)
Chopra, Chopra, Handa, Kapur, Chopra's Indigenous Drugs of India, 2nd ed. (Link)
Chopra, Nayar & Chopra, Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants. (Link; Second Supplement, vol. 1)
Dash & Kashya, Materia Medica Based On Aurveda Saukhyam Of Todarananda. (Link)
Dhanvantarinighaṇṭu (Sharma ed.). (Link)
Dioscorides, Materia Medica translated by Goodyer and edited by Gunther. (Link)
Drury, The Useful Plants of India. (Link)
Dutt, The Materia Medica of the Hindus. (Link)
e-Nighantu, developed by the National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage. (Link)
Hooker, Flora of British India. (vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5, vol. 6, vol. 7)
Ibn Sīnā, al-Qānūn, translated by Hameed. (Book 2)
IMPPAT: Indian Medicinal Plants, Phytochemistry And Therapeutics database, hosted by the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai. (Link)
Kamat & Kamat, Studies on Medical Plants & Drugs in Dhanvantari-Nighaṇṭu. (Link)
Khare, Indian Herbal Remedies. (Link)
Khare, Indian Medicinal Plants. (Link)
Kirtikar & Basu, Indian Medical Plants. (vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4)
Lev & Amar, Practical Materia Medica of the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean According to the Cairo Genizah. (Link)
Lev & Chipman, Medical Prescriptions in the Cambridge Genizah Collections. (Link)
Lochan, Dictionary of Ayurveda (Link)
Meulenbeld, "Sanskrit Names of Plants and Their Botanical Equivalents." (Link)
Narahari, Rājanighaṇṭu. (link)
Pandanus Database of Indian Plants. (Link)
Rājanighaṇṭu & Dhanvantrīyanighaṇṭu (Purandare ed.). (Link)
Roxburgh, Plants of the Coast of Coromandel. (vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3)
Sadek, The Arabic Materia Medica of Dioscorides. (Link)
Sankary, The Cilician Dioscorides' Plant Materia Medica as Appeard in Ibn al-Baitar. (Link)
Sharma, Classical Uses of Medical Plants. (Link)
Sharma, Ḍalhaṇa and His Comments on Drugs. (Link)
Sharma, Fruits and Vegetables in Ancient India. (Link)
Sharma, Nāmarūpajñānam. (Link)
Shirazi, Ulfaz Udwiyeh; or the materia medica in the Arabic, Persian and Hindevy Languages (Gladwin trans.). (Link)
Singh & Chunekar, Glossary of Vegetable Drugs in the Bṛhattrayī. (Link)
Sivarajan & Balachandran, Ayurvedic Drugs and Their Plant Sources. (Link)
Taleef Shereef; or Indian Materia Medica (Playfair trans.). (Link)
van Rheede et al., Hortus Malabaricus. (vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5, vol. 6, vol. 7, vol. 8, vol. 9, vol. 10, vol. 11, vol. 12)
Vohora & Khan, Animal Origin Dugs Used in Unani Medicine. (Link)
Waring, Remarks on the Uses of Some of the Bazaar Medicines and Common Medical Plants of India. (Link)
Watt, A Dictionary of Economic Products of India. (vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5, vol. 6 pt. 1, vol. 6 pt. 2, vol. 6 pt. 3, vol. 6 pt. 4)
Wight, Icones plantarum Indiae Orientalis. (vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5, vol. 6)
Wight, Illustrations of Indian Botany. (vol. 1, vol. 2, supplement)
Yule & Burnell, Hobson-Jobson. (Link)
South Asian Texts on Weather Prediction and Related Fields
Assorted Bengali Proverbs
Bhaddara, Sakunavicara. (Link)
Bhadrabahu, Bhadrabahusamhita (Gopani ed.). (Link)
Bhadrabahu, Bhadrabahusamhita (Shastry ed.) (Link)
Daka, Dakavacanamrta. (Link)
Ghagha & Bhaddari, Kahavate (Dvivedi ed.). (Link)
Ghagha & Bhaddari, Kahavate (Tripathi ed.). (Link)
Meghamala (Jha ed.). (Link)
Meghamala (Ramadhina ed.). (Link)
Meghavijaya, Varsaprabodha (Kisanalal ed.). (Link)
Meghavijaya, Varsaprabodha (Bhagavandas Jain ed.). (Link)
Ojha, Kadambini. (Link)
Ratta, Rattamatam. (Link)
Varsaprabodha (Hanuman Sharma ed.). (Link)
PANDiT Project (Link)
The Prosopographical Database of Indic Texts (PANDiT) "seeks to store, curate, and share reliable data on works, people, places, institutions, and manuscripts from premodern South Asia, in addition to relevant secondary sources, and to do so across period, language, discipline and subject matter. It is designed as an interactive web-based repository that scholars of every South Asian specialty and interest can contribute to and as a basic tool on which they will routinely come to rely."
Saktumiva (Link)
A tool for creating digital critical editions of Sanskrit texts.
SARIT: Search and Retrieval of Indic Texts (Link)
A digital repository of Sanskrit texts.
The University of Texas at Austin's Resource Library for Dharmaśāstra Studies (Link)
A repository for Sanskrit texts related to dharmaśāstra.